Unveiling Angelic Sons of God | Brains, Bibles and B...

Step back into the world of biblical mysteries with Joel and Nate in the eagerly anticipated third part of the "Brains, Bibles, and Beyond!" Nephilim series. This episode unravels the compelling theory that the Sons of God are, in fact, angels. As they delve into the intricacies of this revelation, you'll discover the profound connections that bridge the divine and earthly realms. The question, "but how does that work?" lingers in the air, beckoning for answers. If you've ever pondered the fascinating concept of angels as Sons of God or are simply curious about how this paradigm fits into the grand tapestry of Genesis, this episode is a must-listen. Join the conversation, engage with their thought-provoking content, and explore the ancient enigmas that continue to captivate our imagination. To support their ministries, visit www.thinklikechrist.org or www.brainsandbibles.com. Be sure to like, share, and participate in the discussion. Do you have questions or insights to share? Reach out to them at podcast@thinklikechrist.org. Prepare to unravel the celestial mysteries of the Sons of God in Genesis; your journey continues here!