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Think Like Christ Ministries is inviting you to come join us for an awesome men's conference. No extra fluff. Just some good food and great challenging preaching from God's Word. We are excited to have Juan Valdes with Reasons for Hope as our keynote speaker this year.

Whether you are an ardent follower of Jesus or have a passing interest in religion; you will be challenged, strengthened and encouraged. And if that does not appeal to you, come for the Feast of Meats and Chili Cook-Off. No men's conference can be complete without a giant pile of meat for lunch.

The conference starts at 9AM and ends at 4PM and is intended for men and high school aged young men. If you want to come early, we will be providing breakfast at 8AM. The Feast of Meats will be for lunch and will also be included. Along with the Feast of Meats we will also be having a Chili Cook-Off. If you want to participate in the Chili Cook-Off, check the box on the registration form so we know how many to expect.

What better way can you spend a Saturday then worshiping, growing, and eating meat? Early-bird registration is only $15 a person or $150 for a church and includes both meals and all sessions so bring all your friends, men's groups, older sons, and anyone else who needs to come.

Early-Bird Registration (Register by January 31st) $15 and $150 for a church/ministry

Register after January 31st - 20$ and $200 for a church/ministry

Meet Juan

Juan has always had an curious mind and asked lots of questions growing up. Searching for answers has been his passion and a lifelong journey. He had his first debate in 10th grade Biology class. Juan believes people have good questions and we as Christians need to have good answers. He desires to live out the command in the Bible where we’re told to always be ready to give an answer and to do so with the right attitude (1 Peter 3:15).

Further, Juan feels called to equip young people for the battles they face every day in an increasingly hostile culture. He also desires to equip parents and pastors so that they’re able to engage the youth. Juan loves to see people emboldened when they realize that there’re excellent arguments in support of the Truth. Most importantly, he enjoys removing the obstacles that keep people from surrendering to Christ.

When Juan’s not traveling, he is engaged in the pastorate of his bilingual congregation in Miami, FL. When he has down time (which isn’t often) you might find him in a quiet place reading a book or fishing. Juan’s educational background includes graduate work at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, and master’s degrees from Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary and Logos Graduate School. He also has a Doctor of Ministry in Apologetics from Southern Evangelical Seminary.